Keeping physically active is pretty straight forward for most of us, but what about keeping your brain healthy?
During this time of uncertainty looking after your mental health has never been more important. After all, your brain is the most complex organ in your body.
So whether you are self-isolating alone, with young children, or away from loved ones you are worried about, here are some tips to look after your brain health.
1. Develop a routine which encourages restful sleep
Whether that’s going to bed at the same time every night, switching off screens for a couple of hours before you go to bed, or reading a book, try to settle into a decent routine every evening. This wind down time is important in promoting good sleep, which allows the brain time to repair itself.
2. Nourish your body to nourish your mind
Fruit and vegetables are rich in antioxidants and also have anti-viral properties, and mushrooms such as shiitake have been found to have immune-enhancing effect. A Mediterranean diet is good for the brain as it contains fish, nuts, olive oil and avocados.
3. Write down your worries
If something is bothering you it can help to get those thoughts out on to paper to stop your mind racing and help your brain settle down. Whether it’s a to do list or a problem you don’t feel ready to talk about, put it down on paper. It’s a good form of release.
4. Stay hydrated
Water is critical for keeping our brain and body healthy so staying hydrated is vital for brain health. It is difficult to function if you are lacking water as a dehydrated brain makes it harder to make decisions and raises stress levels. It's also a good idea to limit alcohol intake as excessive drinking can disrupt our body’s ability to fight illness.
5. Move your body
Exercise is good for mental as well as physical health. Just 30 minutes of regular exercise can vastly improve our well-being and reduce our risk of illness, particularly if it’s taken outside.
Now more than ever it is important that we get that exercise in while fighting this global pandemic. So make that one trip outside a fast walk or run, or get moving in your garden if you have the space. Your brain and body will thank you for it.
Let me help you to keep your brain healthy and live a happy life. I offer a free, no obligation, 20-minute consultation where we can discuss in more detail how I can specifically help you.
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